Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Final Video and Evaluation


  • The original intentions for the video
My original intentions when I set out to do the video were a lot different than the finished product. I was hoping to make the video feel more 'dream like' in a way and have calm music with the students saying what the wanted to end up doing later on in life but I think that the video I ended up making was a lot more informative and will reach the broader target audience.
  • Was it fit for purpose
The video was fit for purpose because the premise is still there although it didn't turn out exactly like I had pictured it. The video still promotes the college and shows a lot of the courses that the college has to offer while still showing aspects that the target audience would want to see i.e. the entrance, the cafeteria, the gym etc.
  • Ideas
The group had a lot of ideas when it came to filming however some of them turned out to be too difficult or time consuming to actually carry out so we had to make adjustments and go with the simpler shots instead of trying to be too fancy and complicated.
  • Time Management
In the beginning our group was doing well for time. We had a lot of shots already and some interviews with still three days left of filming however when we uploaded the shots and looked back through some of them we realised that they weren't as good as we had hoped so we had to go back and film some clips again which took up more time and left us worried that we wouldn't get the filming done in time. When we were worried we made a list of the shots that were essential to the video and filmed those instead of walking around the college and filming whatever we could find which definitely saved a lot of time in the last few days of filming.
  • Teamwork
Our group definitely worked well as a team. We filmed shots twice or even three times to make sure that we were all happy with how it looked and took turns carrying our equipment so that it wasn't unfair and we all had our own jobs during filming days to make sure that we were efficient and there was no animosity or arguing when someone didn't want to do something because we weren't sure what our roles in the group were. Because of this we found it a lot easier to get the shots we wanted and needed without wasting time arguing or sorting our group out.
  • Overall outcome
The video came out quite well I think. Some of the audio on the interviews was quieter than others so I had to adjust the levels to make it louder but one of the interviews definitely has a lower sound quality however I think the video gets the point across well and there is a good mixture of students and teachers to appeal to the target audience and get a wide range of information.

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